Breast Augmentation
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Breast Augmentation at a glance
Procedure: Breast Augmentation
Duration: 1-2 hour
Stay: 2-day hospital 4-day hotel
Anesthesia: General
Recovery: 7 days
Scar: under the breast, armpit, the nipple
Results: final result 3-6 months
Breast is very important for every woman. They care about the size and shape of their breast. Good shape and size give women confidence. By having breast enlargement in Turkey, Istanbul Safe Medical gives you the chance to have the breast that you desire.

Who are the Best Candidates for Breast Augmentation Surgery?
Healthy women who are over the age of 18, have completed breast development, and have a small amount of breast tissue are the best candidates. At the same time, women with no sagging breasts or those with the least sagging are good candidates.
What Should I Expect from Breast Augmentation Surgery?
This procedure was developed for women who aren’t pleased with the size and largeness of the breasts. Consult your doctor before the operation to obtain some information about the procedure and shape your expectations accordingly. Keep in mind that there may be a number of problems with your ability to breastfeed after the procedure. Keep in mind that your breasts may deteriorate if you constantly lose weight. Get information about such negativities and make your decision accordingly. Thanks to all these, you will be able to create your expectations more realistically.
Pain, swelling and bruising may occur within the first few days after the operation. In addition, your breasts may be harder than normal in this period. Within time, both redness and bruising will go away, and your breasts will soften. The size and largeness of your breasts will be as you wish.
You should continue attending the check-ups after the procedure. Check-ups are important for such cases as leakage, slip and rotation. In addition, the implants may need to be replaced after 10 years.
Advantages of Breast Lift Surgery in Turkey
- Firmer, higher breasts.
- Allow you to feel happier and younger
- Improve your appearance and raise your confidence
- Cheapest prices internationally, undertaken by an expert surgeon

How To Get Ready For The Operation?
After deciding on breast augmentation surgery, the first and most important step is to decide your surgeon. It should not be forgotten that you will carry out the process with your doctor for a long time after the operation. For this reason, you should find a doctor that you can easily ask all the questions in your mind, get the right answers, and, most importantly, that you can trust.
A detailed physical examination is performed after the surgery has decided. The prosthesis and size should be chosen according to the size of the breast, the position of the nipples, the quality of the breast tissue, and the wishes of the patient. These decisions can be made easily after the necessary measurements are made.
After all the planning, an appropriate surgery day is determined. Before the operation, the medication used by the patient and the diseases they have, are learned and the planning is made accordingly. Since the blood-thinning medications will cause bleeding problems during and after surgery, the patient stops using these medications as the doctor deems appropriate. After the necessary analysis and tests are performed and anesthesia approval is taken, the surgery is carried out. The operation takes 1-3 hours and patients stay overnight in the hospital.

Why Choose Us For Breast Augmentation Surgery?
- World-class medical facilities in a modern clinic
- Leading surgeons and expert medical team
- Expert aftercare post-surgery
- Price includes onward travel and accommodation
- High-quality working standards and patient care
Breast Augmentation Cost In Turkey
Breast Augmentation costs vary between $6000 and $8500 in US and Europe. It just includes treatment. Breast Augmentation cost in Turkey is about $3799. It is an all-inclusive package. It includes everything you need like the surgery, hospital stays, all tests and check-ups, consultation, accommodation, airport VIP transfers. The cost difference is due to labour and operational cost. Also, there is a currency difference between Turkey and Europe. So, aesthetic surgeons perform lots of Breast Augmentation jobs in Turkey. They are very experienced and get the best Breast Augmentation results.
Why Is Breast AugmentationCheaper In Turkey?
Breast Augmentation costs in Turkey are much more attractive than in the US and EU countries. There are different reasons for this situation. The reasons for cheaper liposuction in Turkey which is performed at the EU standards with a high success rate are generally as follows:
- Supports and incentives provided by the government to health tourism
- Competition due to the presence of many clinics in Istanbul where liposuction is performed
- The lower value of the Turkish Lira compared to currencies such as €, $ and £
- Lower clinic expenses and doctor salaries compared to Europe
- Lower cost of medical supplies compared to Europe
Recovery Period After Breast Augmentation Surgery
Prostheses placed under the muscle in breast augmentation surgery are more painful than other methods. It is a pain caused by putting the prosthesis under the muscle and it is a normal and temporary condition. The pain will decrease and disappear in the first week after the operation. After breast augmentation surgery, pain is usually controllable with painkillers. Not much pain is felt if the patients use painkillers recommended by the doctor for the first 2-3 days.
After breast implants surgery, it is necessary to stay in the hospital overnight due to anesthesia used in the surgery. After the operation, the patient is dressed in a bra in the form of a corset. It is useful to use this bra for a few weeks. After the first dressing, it is possible to take a shower with the permission of your doctor.
It is better to spend the first week resting to speed up the healing process. Pain, edema, tension, and bruising begin to disappear one week after the operation. The patients can move more comfortably and can quickly return to their daily life. Patients can easily return to office work after a week. However, this process may be longer for patients who work in a more physically challenging job.
There is no age limit for this procedure. What is important here is that you do not have a health problem and your doctor gives consent to the operation. Many women have had successful results in their 50s with this procedure.
You will not feel any pain because it is an operation under anesthesia.
There is a minor risk that the implant will burst out. This risk can be said to be around 1% and is a rare condition. Since the implants contain saline solution, in case of possible outburst and leakage, there is no risk of damage to the body. The body can absorb the water coming out and this does not adversely affect your health. If your breasts begin to shrink and flatten, consult your doctor in case of an outburst.
The life of the implants used in this procedure is between 10 and 20 years. You can use your implant for more than 10 years when you take care of your health. However, if changes in size and size start to occur over time, you can ask your doctor to change it. It is generally recommended to replace the implants after 10 years.
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