One of the hair transplantation methods is the FUT technique. FUT method, which is a surgical procedure, is a less preferred application today. What is FUT Technique? In case of curiosity, it is seen that the hair follicles are taken in strips during the application.
In this application, in which the genetically sound region is used, an incision is made. After the hair follicles are removed by making an incision in the form of strips, they must be separated one by one under the microscope. These roots, which are prepared to be placed in the planting area, are placed one by one in the opened canals.
Local anesthesia is used during the application. This method does not result in a single session and the transactions continue in the range of 4 to 8 sessions. When the patient is transplanted, a period of approximately 1-2 months is required for the area where the procedure is performed to heal.
In the FUT technique, follicular units must be separated by microscopic methods. Removing the hair strips taken from the donor area with the incision method is an important step of this process. These studies take place without shaving the donor area. Why Should We Not Prefer FUT Technique? Its subject is among the patients’ curiosity.
There are many reasons why the FUT method is not preferred. This application takes longer and is more challenging when compared to other methods. FUT method is a method that can be applied against female and male pattern baldness problems called Androgenetic Alopecia. In addition, it is a compelling method because it contains some disadvantages. When deciding on hair transplantation, the doctor’s recommendation should be taken into account.
When the FUT technique is used, the long recovery period is generally seen as a problem for the patients. Many issues can be said in terms of the Disadvantages of the FUT Technique. During the application, the hair follicle needed should be cut into strips and removed with the help of anesthesia from the area called the donor area.
After the hair grafts are taken, this area should be closed with the help of aesthetic sutures. Hair follicles to be obtained from hair grafts must be separated one by one and kept in special solutions. During the planting process, the roots kept in these solutions are placed in the transplant area one by one.
The procedure should be performed by specialist doctors and in clinical settings. Since it is a surgical procedure, it requires meticulous work. After the operation, it is necessary to sleep in a semi-sitting position. In this way, the rate of reduction of swelling can also be controlled.
The patient should be careful about some issues for a while after the operation. Smoking and alcohol consumption should not be done for about two weeks. It is also necessary to be protected from UV rays for a while. In addition, strenuous exercises and heavy work are also inconvenient after the operation.
In addition to swelling and bruising, bleeding can also be seen in the FUT method. Against the risk of infection, the doctor should take precautions and apply a treatment in this direction. Scar formation that can be noticed after the operation is also a negative aspect of this procedure.
Everyone’s situation is uniqie. Our hair restoration specialists are ready to answer all of your questions. Let us help you determine the right solution for you.