123Should I Shave My Hair Before Hair Transplant44

Should I Shave My Hair Before Hair Transplant

The condition called hair loss is the loss of one’s congenital hair based on various reasons. While hair loss can usually be due to genetic reasons, it can also occur for different reasons. Individuals who encounter hair loss can produce permanent solutions to this problem by having hair transplantation. Should I Shave My Hair Before Hair Transplant? If you are wondering about the answer to the question, you can find the answers in the following lines.

Hair transplantation operations are performed in a clinical setting and under the supervision of specialist doctors. Different methods and techniques can be used during these processes. The doctor’s recommendation and some characteristics of the person to be transplanted are effective in determining the method to be used. Today, hair transplantation operations can be performed very quickly and easily with the help of changing and developing technologies.

What Is Done Before Hair Transplantation?

Some studies are required before hair transplantation. What Is Done Before Hair Transplantation? While searching for an answer to the question, the answers that can be given to it are more than one. At this stage, first of all, the planning of the hair transplant operation takes place.

Before the hair transplantation, you usually need to stop taking blood thinners. These recommendations are applied under the supervision of a doctor and should be acted upon according to the advice of a physician. When the patient communicates with the physician, he/she should share detailed information about his/her chronic diseases or the drugs he/she uses.

This application is required for the process to proceed in a controlled manner. The use of harmful substances such as alcohol and cigarettes should be stopped before the operation. This application also positively affects the healing process after the operation.

While the hair should be washed before the operation, you should also clean your scalp with natural products. In addition, the clothes to be worn after the operation should be easy to use and can be worn without damaging the head.

Before the hair transplant operation is performed, the individual is asked to be meticulous about what he or she eats. The normal functioning of the digestive system is important in this process and it is recommended to stay away from foods that force the system.


Some or all of the hair can be shaved before FUE hair transplantation. Unshaven hair transplantation can also be done with the DHI method. In the unshaven application, the operation time is longer.

Hair transplant operations include clinical interventions. Such operations are also called surgical interventions. Patients who want to achieve the desired aesthetic effect visually must pay attention to some applications before and after the operation.

The eligibility status of the candidates is also taken into account when performing hair transplantation. To understand the eligibility, some criteria are considered. Accordingly, the individual who will have hair transplantation is required to have completed his physical development.

The person should not have a physiological disorder and have a sufficient amount and structure of hair follicles in the donor area. In addition, the existence of sufficient space in terms of the area to be planted is also required.

Looking For Answers?

Everyone’s situation is uniqie. Our hair restoration specialists are ready to answer all of your questions. Let us help you determine the right solution for you.

Looking For Answers?

Everyone’s situation is uniqie. Our hair restoration specialists are ready to answer all of your questions. Let us help you determine the right solution for you.